Friday, May 06, 2005

May 2005. Tree removal time. At last, our house plans fit on the shell-shaped lot and we are ready to begin the long awaited project. Kevin, the Tree Man, a.k.a. the Excavator, and his helpers brought in their huge equipment and removed the trees that had to be removed to get the house on the lot...which ended up being about 20!). It was sad really to see those huge creations taken out. But alas, it's part of the necessities.

Thursday, May 05, 2005


Sunday, May 01, 2005

May 2005, also. The initial staking of the house. The pink ribbons are the stakes, set on the primary corners of the house. They were indicators only for the trees to come out and also to give us a sampling of how the house would be configured on the lot. Who would believe it'd be seven more months and very barren soil before our project would really take off!!!